The Tasty Island

Food plays as much a subject role as it does a sustenance roll. I love talking about it, writing about it and photographing it, as much as I love eating it. I cook about twice a week, however lately I’ve been doing more health-conscious vegetable and fruit “smoothies” as my meals than cooking solid food dishes. For the most part, I just take each day as it comes regarding what foods and places I write about. However when I attend “foodie” events I’m invited to, I try put a priority on that to show appreciation to the sponsored organization.

The Tasty Island

A blog site of my experiences enjoying the wonderful food of Hawaii, with a focus on Honolulu on the island of Oahu.

Tasty Island

Subscribe to Pomai's YouTube channel to experience his passion for food, travel & photography.

Oahu Essential Eats

Want to find the essential eats in Oahu on the go? Download our app to discover the best places to eat in over 275 cities.
